Now Launching our 12 week 1:1 coaching program to heal your nervous system!

You may have seen on my Instagram, TikTok or Facebook accounts over the last few weeks that I’ve been working on something to help clients regulate their nervous system and achieve long lasting health.

I haven’t officially launched this to the public yet, you’re the first to see

Over the last few months, I’ve been working on something to help clients achieve lasting healing results through the power of regulating their nervous system

You see most programs that I have been in are missing bits and pieces of a well rounded program. This ends up costing you more money to see more people to get “all of your issues” addressed

What if there was one program that encompasses all of the major pillars needed to achieve lasting healing results

Diet and nutrition- 10 foundations

Toxicity and regenerative detox

Vagus and nervous system regulation

Emotions and beliefs

Learning how to communicate with your nervous system

Our 12 week Nervous System Reset 1:1 coaching program is officially open for 5 new women who wish to learn how to regulate their nervous system and address cortisol naturally. If you are ready to transform your health with an all in one program guaranteed to transform your life, please click the link below

Today is the day you get an exclusive first in offer

Inside the nervous system, reset one-to-one coaching program you will find:

1-how to reset your gut so that you can live without fatigue and bloating

2-how to reset your nervous system so you don’t live with constant anxiety 

3-how to address your limiting beliefs that are holding you sick

4-how to communicate with your nervous system tapping into the ANS to avoid the chaos of muscle testing

I have put everything I’ve learned from in almost my 30 years of helping others achieve lasting health with this program. I’ve also gone through it twice with lyme and mold exposure. 

For the next 2 weeks, we are offering this exclusive opportunity to work with a coach 1:1 for $1000 off after that the investment goes up by $1000 when I launch to the public.

We are also offering a bonus of the nervous system regulation mini course because we believe everyone needs to learn and have the skills to regulate their own nervous system

Grab your spot today


Becky Coots-Kimbley