What is light?

This is probably the best quantum explanation I have found of how phototherapy (bio photon patches/ terahertz) works.

Networks of Biophotonic Light provide communication infrastructure.

This communication infrastructure is provided by networks of biphotonic light traveling in subtle physical structures related to acupuncture meridians.

These optical structures transport light data throughout the body, just as digital information streams through fiber optic cables in a computer network.

These cables of light carry frequencies and information that inform the developmental brilliance of a living biological system.

Science is discovering many phenomena, such as the storage and exchange of information in the biological system, that cannot be explained solely through mechanistic biomolecular interactions. We must embrace the reality of subtle, energetic systems informing biological processes.

Similar to how computer software creates cyberspace beyond the physical structures of mechanical hardware, the biophotonic light network extends beyond the dense matter of the material body into a second body of consciousness... the Vital Body.

The Vital Body is a dimensional field of awareness containing structural models for Life. This intelligence network hosts the blueprints capable of organizing the chemical, molecular, and physiological processes that create and sustain the immense complexity of living organisms.

Taoist Medicine.

Its foundations are grounded in an organic and holistic model of the universe, which regards energy and consciousness as the basis of matter.

The New Physics states that matter is not only made of matter but also a crystallized form of energy and information.

Becky Coots-Kimbley