Musings from the neuroworld…the notorious HIP flexor

Tight hip flexors. 

Did you know your hip flexors could be tight and weak or tight and strong?

If you don’t assess this how do you know whether or not they need to be stretched or strengthened?

Tight hip flexors can also be a cause of a pelvic floor issue

A tight hip flexor can also be a sign of an issue in the kidneys

Your hip flexor could be tight because you’re not utilizing your glutes during the propulsion phase of gait

Your hip flexors could be tight  because you’re not able to access pronation during gait thus not using the glutes

Your hip flexors could be tight and weak or tight and strong because of a breathing problem (like you don’t know how to utilize your diaphragm, because lets be honest, most people don’t know how to breathe correctly, hence all the back, neck, shoulder and hip issues. One needs to learn how to create IAP)

You use your psoas  upon the exhalation phase of breathing(True Fact)

Psoas is considered the ” muscle of the soul” therefore any trapped emotions such as fear, anger and trauma etc. can be stored in the Psoas and create restrictions (The body keeps the score)

There are many, many lymphatic ducts in both hip areas when these ducts get blocked it can create issues in the psoas (lymph issues = gut issues and vice versa, lymph is a very high priority to the nervous system)

A short tight Psoas can be due to the big toe not getting 60 of dorsiflexion 

If a muscle can’t lengthen it can’t contract, in other words you need to load in order to explode! Ever wonder why people in crossfit tear so many achilles? If the calf can’t lengthen (because its tight) trying to do a box jump will not be pretty. The calf needs to lengthen in order for it to contract or explode you up onto the box.

So next time you think about smashing the crap out of your hip flexor because it’s tight, remember these things and ask yourself if what your doing helping at all?

Becky Coots-Kimbley