Sacrotuberous Ligament

Sacrotuberous Ligament

A potential pain in the butt or mimicking sciatic pain, this ligament connects the sacrum to the ischial tuberosity.

It is stretched when the pelvis goes into an anterior tilt, aka nutation. This also pairs with suspension phase of gait.

Its pair to shorten the ligament is therefore propulsion when the pelvis is in a posterior tilt, counternutation.

Looking at the superficial backline of fascia, we can see this ligament is a linchpin transferring force through the pelvis from lower body to upper body muscles, and the polar direction, as well.

A foam roller underneath your bottom can do wonders to help create space, but looking at that connectivity of fascia it could be coming from the cranium or the feet.

Photo courtesy of Adaptable Polarity

Photo courtesy of Adaptable Polarity

Becky Coots-Kimbley