What Supplements do I take?
People ask me all the time what do I take to help with my healing? What magic pill did I take to help with all of this? Well, there was no magic pill and I didn’t take any fancy medications. All I did was eat quality food, organic, removed all of the inflammation from my diet, stopped eating food that was creating inflammation and took a bunch of nutraceuticals. I take a powdered supplement every day to help soothe my gut, I take liquid Tumeric for inflammation, I take a probiotic every day to help with the bacteria in my gut, I take digestive enzymes to help with breaking down the food that I eat so my body can better absorb the nutrients that it needs, I take Selenium, Tribulus and Liquid Vitamin D. I stopped taking all medications and haven’t taken any over the counter medicines in over 2 years. I have also not had a cold, sinus infection or any of the sorts in over 2 years! Also in the last year I started taking a high quality, organic, non GMO, CBD extract which has made a tremendous difference in my restful sleep, minimal muscle soreness and my ability to recover faster in between CrossFIt workouts. I love this so much I started selling it and it has also led me to taking a few Medical Cannabis courses!
At my appointment in March 2017 which was 10 weeks into my journey, my gut was healed and I was able to start eating small amounts of white rice and gluten free oats. I still had 3 more weeks on my SIBO diet then I could re introduce those foods! I was then allowed to start with re introducing my level 1 foods! I still couldn’t have any raw honey or maple syrup. I kept a food journal when I started re introducing foods so I could keep track of my symptoms. After a few weeks of this I was finally able to eat mushrooms, pineapple, peppers, cinnamon, spinach, coconut, watermelon and ginger.
At my March 23 appointment, 13 weeks in, I stopped taking synthroid which I was on for 20 years! I felt panic flush over me and I didn’t know what was going to happen next! I thought I was going to relapse, but I didn’t. The natural supplement I was taking was doing the trick! In April, my kidney function still needed work. I was limited to a low protein diet which was hard being a athlete and being told to pump your body full of protein. I was sure that I was going to loose the muscle I had worked so hard to put on but I didn’t. If anything I just leaned out some more and my performance in the gym skyrocketed.
This is what I take in my post workout shake!